Saturday, February 24, 2007

Chessnuts -- and chess moms

When Chip was 3, we were watching the movie A Bug's Life. There was a short before the movie, called Geri's Game about a guy that plays chess with himself.

Chip insisted he wanted to learn that, so I taught him to play checkers. He didn't mean checkers. He meant chess. So Spouse taught him to play chess, and he took to it like only a person ruled by the left side of their brain can.

Meanwhile, the wonderful preschool program he was in shut down, so we spent time hanging out with a homeschooling group that had a chess club.

Also, meanwhile Chip was one of the last of his peers to get fully potty trained. This was not unheard of for active, hyperfocused boys. I realized how peculiar this was the day that I showed up at chess club, with a diaper bad. It was just odd.

Anyway time went on and when Chip was in Kindergarten we started the chess tournament circuit. In our chess activities we have had some great travels and met some really wonderful people. I'm glad for almost every minute of it (except some of the uncomfortable benches at some of the tournaments). I've commented I've been really glad that my child chose an activity that does *NOT* involve me sitting on a blanket in the cold and rain. Indoor activity has advantages.

Since Kindergarten we have been suggesting that there might be interest in a chess club at Chip's school. I mentioned this in this posting from November.We've heard some interesting reasons for not having one over the years.

In parallel to this, in our town, USA, chess has been becoming more prevalent, and a few of the other grade school have chess teams. At one school in particular there is a very active chess program, and they have held quite a few tournaments this year.

Chip is not one to let sleeping dogs lay (unlike his Uncle Crem - private joke) so this year he started bugging some of his friends to join him in the tournament circuit. Earlier this year he and some of his friends went to a local tournament and came home with some hardware -- a first place trophy.

Which technically belongs to the school -- since it's a "team trophy"

We went one morning and presented this to the school, and I like to think this might have had a bit of an effect as ...

In the recent school newlestter there was an announcement that the school is


starting a chess club.

It will be starting after spring break, and will be an (ugh) before school activity.

And just a reminder to all you moms out there.

THE QUEEN RULES!!! Makes sense on the chess board, makes sense in my life.

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