Saturday, July 07, 2007

Predictions quiz #1

Anyone who wishes is welcome to play along. Keep track when Book 7 comes out. NOTE - some of these contradict others, and some contradict ones from another predictions quiz I'll post. Oh well - tough I don't know what's really going to happen.

1. Hogwarts will be closed for the entire year.


2. Harry will enroll in Year 7 classes at Hogwarts.


3. Ron will enroll in Year 7 classes at Hogwarts.


4. Hermione will enroll in Year 7 classes at Hogwarts.


5. Harry will take N.E.W.T. exams.


6. Ron will take N.E.W.T. exams.


7. Hermione will take N.E.W.T. exams.

True WHAT -- Hermione will pass on taking an exam?? Even if she doesn't go to Hogwarts she'll probably wander by just to have a chance to take an exam.

8. Harry will be Head Boy at Hogwarts.


9. Ron will be Head Boy at Hogwarts.


10. Hermione will be Head Girl at Hogwarts.

True - will drive the Slytherin's CRAZY -- a MUGGLE as Head Girl!!!!

11. Harry will teach Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts.


12. The DADA teacher at Hogwarts will be ________________________. (fill in the blank)


13. Harry's scar is a Horcrux.


14. Nagini is a Horcrux.


15. Slytherin's locket is a Horcrux.


16. Hufflepuff's cup is a Horcrux.


17. The locket that nobody could open at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place is a Horcrux.


18. Harry will keep his Horcrux quest secret from the Order of the Phoenix.

For the first 1/2 of the book. He'll find he needs help from one (or
more) members of the Order. After all these years he'll finally
figure out that it's really OKAY to ask for help from a grownup

19. R.A.B. = Regulus A. Black.


20. R.A.B. has already destroyed the locket-Horcrux.


21. Voldemort already knows (by the end of Half-Blood Prince) that R.A.B. took the locket-Horcrux from the cave.


22. Voldemort already knows (by the end of Half-Blood Prince) that Harry is seeking his Horcruxes.

False (but suspects)

23. Albus Dumbledore is really dead.

He's not only merely dead, he's really most sincerely dead.

24. On top of the "Lightening-Struck Tower," Dumbledore was asking Snape to kill him.


25. Dumbledore gave Snape the DADA position because he knew Snape would be leaving Hogwarts at the end of the school year.


26. Dumbledore will communicate with Harry through his portrait in the Headmaster's office.

Somewhat (yes -- but not CLEARLY)

27. Dumbledore will communicate with Harry through the Pensieve.

Harry will use the Pensieve

28. Harry will use the Sorcerer's Stone.


29. Harry will return to the Chamber of Secrets.


30. Harry will be a Prisoner of Azkaban (or at least go there).


31. Harry will use the Goblet of Fire.


32. Harry will join the Order of the Phoenix.


33. Harry will (intentionally) join forces with the Half-Blood Prince.


34. Harry will visit a place called the Deathly Hallows.


35. One of the Dursleys will learn to do magic.


36. Petunia will (intentionally) give Harry vital information before he leaves Privet Drive.


37. Ron and Hermione will be a couple.


38. Harry and Hermione will be a couple.

NOPE (They're like Luke and Leia -- brother and sister -- not by blood
but in spirit)

39. Harry and Ginny will get back together.


40. Ron and Hermione have already kissed "off-screen" by the end of Half-Blood Prince.


41. Sybill Trelawney will make another real prophecy.


42. Rufus Scrimgeour will be Minister of Magic at the end of Deathly Hallows.


43. Harry will use the Mirror of Erised again.


44. Harry will use the sword of Godric Gryffindor again.


45. Harry will use the Sorting Hat.


46. Harry will use a Time-Turner.


47. Harry will use the two-way mirror that Sirius gave him.


48. Harry's knowledge of Muggle artifacts will save him from imminent danger.


49. Grawp will (intentionally) save Harry/Ron/Hermione from danger.


50. The Weasleys' - now wild - flying Ford Anglia will play a significant role in saving and/or transporting Harry/Ron/Hermione.


51. Aside from James, Lily, Harry, and Voldemort, there was at least one other person present at the Potters' house the night James and Lily died.


52. Bill Weasley will become a full werewolf.


53. How did James and Lily Potter acquire their small fortune? _________________________________ (fill in the blank)

They borrowed the Sorcerer's Stone from Flamel

54. Snape is an Animagus.


55. We will learn more about the relationship between Lily and Snape.


56. A current member of the Order of the Phoenix will betray Harry.


57. The Death Eaters will attack Privet Drive.


58. The Death Eaters will attack The Burrow.


59. The Death Eaters will attack during Bill and Fleur's wedding.


60. The Death Eaters will attack Hogwarts.


61. The Death Eaters will attack Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.


62. Draco will abandon the Death Eaters.

True -- but not until almost the end

63. Peter Pettigrew, aka Wormtail, will abandon the Death Eaters.


64. Snape will be openly allowed back into the Order of the Phoenix.


65. Snape is truly loyal to:
(a) Dumbledore
(b) Voldemort
(c) Neither

(c) Snape

66. Dumbledore trusts Snape because:
(a) Snape made a heartfelt apology
(b) Snape made an Unbreakable Vow
(c) Snape passed crucial secret information to the Order about Voldemort/Death Eaters
(d) Dumbledore had no hard evidence, he just wanted to give Snape the benefit of the doubt
(e) None of these, but we'll find out in Deathly Hallows
(f) We'll never know


67. Snape began working as a double agent for the Order:
(a) Before the prophecy was made
(b) After the prophecy was made, but before James and Lily died
(c) The night James and Lily died
(d) After James and Lily died


68. Harry will use, or attempt to use, an Unforgivable Curse.


69. Harry will use, or attempt to use, the Avada Kedavra Curse on Voldemort.


70. Someone other than Harry will actually finish-off Voldemort, even though Harry will have done most of the work. (i.e. Darth tosses the Emperor, Gollum falls in with the ring.)


71. The U.S. edition cover-art for Deathly Hallows, portrays the final showdown.


72. The U.S. edition cover-art for Deathly Hallows, portrays Harry and Voldemort reaching for a Horcrux.


73. Harry will destroy at least one Horcrux by sending it through the Veil.


74. The Deathly Hallows is: (a) at Hogwarts
(b) in Godric's Hollow
(c) a graveyard
(d) beyond the Veil
(e) another name for Horcruxes
(f) none of these, but depicted on the US cover


75. The final showdown will be at:
(a) the Deathly Hallows
(b) Hogwarts
(c) Azkaban
(d) Veil/Minitry of Magic
(e) Godric's Hollow
(f) The Underground Lake/Gringotts
(g) somewhere else


76. Harry will survive.


77. Ron will survive.


78. Hermione will survive.


79. Ginny will survive.


80. Neville will survive.


81. Luna will survive.


82. Hagrid will survive.


83. Lupin will survive.


84. Tonks will survive.


85. Molly and Arthur will survive.


86. Fred and George will survive.


87. Bill and Fleur will survive.


88. Percy will survive.

True (unfortunately -- the Git I say Molly will die to save him.)

89. Voldemort will survive.


90. Snape will survive.


91. Peter Pettigrew will survive.

True -- and he'll get to go to Azkaban

92. Bellatrix will survive.


93. Lucius Malfoy will survive.

False (thank goodness)

94. Narcissa Malfoy will survive.


95. Draco Malfoy will survive.


96. Harry will become an Auror.


97. Harry will become a professor at Hogwarts.


98. Ron will become a professor at Hogwarts.

False -- Ron has had ENOUGH of school

99. Hermione will become a professor at Hogwarts.


100. Neville will become a professor at Hogwarts.

True (yeah -- I know this contradicts where I said he wouldn't survive)

101. The final word of Deathly Hallows will be "scar."


But -- before I heard about the interview the other day I wrote ...

True. (this contradicts what I said about Harry surviving). Harry
will die -- but not before he gets Ginny pregnant. In the epilogue we
will discover that Ginny had a baby boy. Everyone says .....

You look just like your mother -- except you have your father's scar.

This could be true

What Your Latte Says About You
You are very decadent in all aspects of your life. You never scale back, and you always live large.
You can be quite silly at times, but you know when to buckle down and be serious.
Intense and energetic, you aren't completely happy unless you are bouncing off the walls.
You're addicted to caffeine. There's no denying it.
You are responsible, mature, and truly an adult. You're occasionally playful, but you find it hard to be carefree.
You are deep and thoughtful, but you are never withdrawn.

This could be true -- but then I never bounce off walls (my kids do enough of that)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

But they've never been seen together now, have they???

Rita Skeeter = Ann Coulter

Just a thought I had earlier today while listening to HP and the Goblet of Fire.

From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

"Don't you dare blame your father for what that wretched Skeeter woman wrote!" said Mrs. Weasley, flaring up at once.

"If Dad hadn't said anything, old Rita would have just said it was disgraceful that nobody from the Ministry had commented," said Bill,

Guess there's some folks out there that just never learned the old adage ....

"If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say nothing at all."

Heard it in a love song

Chip is taking guitar lessons. A few months ago I ask him about piano lessons and he told me that you can't play rock and roll on piano. Goodness gracious great balls of fire, I thought as it became obvious that my childn's musical knowledge was lacking.

So I did a little about that .... made some introductions

Then, last night while we were at Naperville's we listened to

and now Chip knows -- that you can even play rock and roll on a flute.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Great Flooring Project of 2007 -- TM version

I often send text messages to Crem -- hey what's a best friend for other than to bother with the mundane details of my life.

Anyway -- I thought it might be interesting to look at the flooring project from the perspective of my text messages.

06/15/07 11:40 a.m
RM: I emailed a picture to [your work] and [other address]. If you have time I'd like a phone consult.

We were having trouble trying to figure out how to fit the flooring under the door jam. We did eventually figure it out. Also, while doing the dining room, we learned a lot of tricks to use when we got to the living room. Crem actually had a grand idea -- but we used a different idea (that didn't involve purchase of a power tool).

06/16/07 4:19 p.m.
RM: You know that puzzle with the 15 pieces and the 16 slots, well we are trying to get the 16th piece in

I think Crem sent a message (that I didn't save) about cutting of the tongue and groove stuff and using glue.

06/16/07 5:01 p.m.
RM: Hey it's true what they say great minds think alike, that's what *I* said. But I also pointed out that a box of flooring was still much cheaper than an install.

06/16/07 5:02 p.m.
RM: I said even if he tries something and screws it up *I* won't be mad.

06/16/07 6:20 p.m.
RM: He shoulda oughta done the thing with the glue. But I said I wouldn't get mad cause he is doing enough of that for the both of us.

06/16/07 6:23 p.m.
RM: Need to go to [grandma's] so tune in tomorrow for the next episode of "As the Floor Installs." hopefully it will be the last dining room episode.

(that was the end of the dining room episode).

06/24/07 4:27 p.m.
RM: I would love to show you my coffee table and see if you have inexpen$ive restoration ideas.

I've had this coffee table since 1982 -- I got it from someone who had it for a few years, and SHE got it second hand. So it's been around awhile and it's STURDY. But it's also been throught the mill and I'm trying to figure a way to make it look pretty again. I had a picture of it on my camera (that I showed Crem that day when the families went out to dinner) but AMAZINGLY enough, I erased the picture from my camera before downloading it. I mean who'd think that I wouldn't have a picture of the damage to a 30 year old coffee table.

07/04/2007 5:52 p.m.
RM: Bloody git. "me: there is the problem" "him: lets try this & this & this" 20 min later "OH there is the problem" ya think? Bloody stubborn git.

OKAY - so sometimes Spouse takes a while to see things my way the right way. And I can vent to Spouse -- but sometimes we just need to not talk about it and I can vent in other directions.

With any luck, tomorrow should be the final "install"ment of the living room version. Then it's move all the furniture back into the living room, and do the same thing all over again with the family room.

Christina -- PLEASE tell me how much I'll love it when it's all done.