Monday, February 19, 2007


I *HATE* February. I've never really been a big fan of February. I remember a very old Garfield strip where Garfield mentions that February sucks because you PAY for a full month of whatever (rent, car lease) but you actually only get 28 days for your value.
I've lived in Illinois all my life, and February is usually that month that's in the middle of winter. Just cold and blah. You're kind of done with the entire "snow is fun" and there's more of a regional attitude of "cold is DONE."

I married my first husband in February (and we can see where that went).

Last year in February my friend's beautiful vibrant healthy daughter died at 29.

5 years ago (tomorrow) in February my beautiful, vibrant, healthy niece died at 21.

Me / February. It's just not a good match.

So I decided I needed some therapy.
Freud's couch

Freud isn't around. If he were he'd be a bit old and out of touch. And he'd probably be really expen$ive.

I decided on a form of therapy that was less expensive and while possibly not as effective it certainly gave me a break from the day to day. Allowed me to talk things out, and warmed up my insides. I needed some soul food.
Not like THIS

But like THIS

So I went to the chocolate lounge, sat on the comfy couch and had a therapy session. (Nice thing about friends, you don't have to pay them to listen to you).
I might not have healed my inner child, found my id (or ego or superego or whatever), or even really improved my outlook on life.
But it helped.


LSM said...

The good news is you only have a few more days of February to make it through. Apply chocolate therapy as needed, and hang in there! I'll be thinking about you.

Christina said...

To quote that wise orange cat:

"February is the Monday of Months"