Friday, January 05, 2007

Four for Friday meme

Grabbed this meme from Alto2 - remember imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

Question 1 - Investing: If you had extra money to invest in 2007, where would you put it? Real Estate, the stock market, municipal bonds, a friend's start-up, in a savings account, in a hedge fund, under your mattress, in a foreign market, in U.S. savings bonds, mutual funds, precious metals, your 401K or IRA, baseball cards, or somewhere else?

I can't recall exactly how it went but I was listening to something on the radio the other day that said typically in years that the experts say that stocks are good and gold is bad, gold ends up doing better, so I'd put some in gold -- but probably mostly to retirement. After all, I can get a loan for education but when you're tooling around at 70, you can't get a loan for retirement ;}

Question 2 - Execution: As recently as yesterday afternoon, nearly six days after it happened, U.S. President George W. Bush steadfastly denied having seen the video of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's execution. Do you believe him?

I can't possibly imagine anyone having the stomach to watch ANYONE getting killed.

Question 3 - Gays in the Military: A recent poll from Zogby International shows that U.S. military personnel are increasingly at ease serving with openly gay colleagues. The poll reveals that 73 percent of military members are not bothered by lesbians and gays serving alongside them. Nearly one in four (23 percent) service members polled reported knowing for certain that someone in their unit is lesbian or gay, including 21 percent of those in combat units. Do you feel gay people should be allowed to serve in the U.S. military, and despite what you believe, has you opinion on this matter changed any over the last 5-10 years?

If I had people coming at me trying to blow me up, I'd want the people I was with to be intelligent, compassionate (at least toward their fellow soldiers), level headed, and a really great aim. I don't believe any of those qualities are determined by sexual orientation.

I hope like heck opinion on that is changing.

Question 4 - Movie: What was the last movie you saw, and would you recommend that I take my Mother to see it?

The last movie I saw was Happy Feet, and sure why not take mom. Take dad too while you're at it.

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