Friday, February 02, 2007

Rambling's best ever practical joke

A LONG time ago (in a galaxy far far away) I had a friend (I still have the friend, we just live cities apart and rarely communicate but he know if he ever shows up in this town and calls me we'll get some pizza and beer and he and/or his wife have a place to sleep if they want all the kids and noise and such).

Anyway my friend is now a meteorologist (back in the day, he was an aspiring meteorologist). His favorite movie of all time? ..... if you guessed

you'd be right on.

Anyway if you don't know the movie the basic premise is that Bill Murray's character is a meteorologist and goes to Punxsutawney for the festivities. He's then stuck doing the same day over and over and over and over and over.

Each day starts with the radio playing (as the alarm goes off at 6am) "I've Got You Babe"

So - my friend LOVES that movie, so one yaer on Feb. 2 I called him and played the clip from the movie with I've Got You Babe into his phone. And then I hung up. Repeated this for a few days.

He never did figure out who it was -- he had a guess that it was ANOTHER friend of ours (and I'm like "HEY you idiot -- the first call came at 9:00 EST -- which would make it 6:00am PST - and no matter how good the gag is she aiN'T gonna be out of bed at 6am"). (Okay -- honestly I think I was like second runner up -- I mean he knows a lot of really strange people but it does take someone a bit "over the top" to pull that year after year after year).

Next year did the same thing again. There was one year that for whatever reason I was unable to make the calls at the prescribed time, so I drafted some friends to help me.

This went one for something like 8-10 years before I got totally burned out on it (I think he might have burned out a year or two before me.)

HEY -- WM -- if you read this -- I got you babe or at least I'd LIKE to if I ever get the chance.

NOTE: Word on the street is (okay an article in the Chicago Tribune), like Phil, Cloudy did not see her shadow. (I think she would have seen her shadow -- if she had come out of her den - but she was smart enough to stay inside.

I'd like to see the end of this winter.

I'd like to see the end of this MONTH

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