Sunday, January 28, 2007

My parenting advice (worth what you paid for it)

My friend LSM, over at Somewhere in the Suburbs was commenting that her oldest is turning 13, she's got another 13 years until her youngest turns 20, so she's hitting teenagerhood. Here's a quote from her blog ...

Why do I have a feeling that this new phase of our parenting career will be even more challenging than the first stage? So far, I can't find anyone who has raised teenagers who will disagree with me. So, my plan is to hang on and enjoy the ride as much as possible!
I remember a few years back I was talking to one of my friends about this entire parenting gig and she likened it to a roller coaster. (today's picture is brought to you from King's Island, Ohio -- not only because it's likely my favorite coaster in the world -- but also because the name of this coaster is very appropos -- The Beast)

So LSM, and others here's my advice.
  1. Hold on REAL tight
  2. Close your eyes if you can't handle what's coming and
  3. SCREAM real loud when you need to.

Maybe I'll be writing the next parenting manual????

You ever notice how there's tons of books out there on how to parent infants and young children, and so many fewer for teens. Is that because

  1. When you have teens you don't have time to read books.
  2. When you have teens you don't have time to write books.
  3. Ain't nobody figured it out yet.

1 comment:

LSM said...

Why does this not make me feel better? But I do appreciate the commentary!