Sunday, November 05, 2006

and it matters to me because???

I'm a born and raised Chicagoan. I spent the first 21 years of my life living in the city limits, and since then have lived in the state of Illinois, most of that time in the Chicago suburbs.

This year, the Chicago Bears seem to be having a pretty good season. They've only lost one football game. My spouse LOVES sports, any and all sports, and is fairly involved with ANY game that's on a television.

So, today I gave this some consideration. The Bears are having a wonderful season, most people around me actually care about this and consider it a good thing. Maybe, I thought, now is the time to care, to actually attempt to follow the game. It would put me in sync with the rest of my universe, and maybe give me a way to connect with my spouse and family and friends during the football season.

But I just can't bring myself to justify caring. There would be 3 hours a week of watching (I can find other things to do with 3 hours on a Sunday afternoon). And then there's all the pregame and post game shows.

It just seems to me to be far too much effort to put into a bunch of guys running around after a ball that isn't even round.

(Though, I must admit that, at times, it is enjoyable to watch the tight ends :} )

1 comment:

Alto2 said...

Alas, Da Bears lost to Da Dolphins. No condolences to your DH.