Saturday, November 04, 2006

A most unfortunate experience

Today #1son and I had an outing. There was a Lemony Snicket event put on by our local indepent bookstore. It was fabulous and funny. I actually enjoy reading this series of children's books. The first thing on the agenda was supposed to be a concert by Lemony Snicket and the Gothic Archies. Unfortunately, Lemony Snicket was unable to attend the event (not surprising though, as I don't think he has ever been seen).

There were two things that were not unfortunate. We had tickets number 120 and 122, which meant that we were out of there fairly early. The other item was that we were just down the street from a wonderful Irish Pub. #1son loves hamburgers, so I asked if he wanted to go there for lunch.

And, fortunately, it was a LOVELY day for a Guinness.

[of course, my theory is that every day is a lovely day for a Guinness].

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