Monday, December 25, 2006


I've decided. I don't have a favorite Christmas carol -- it's sort of a fluid annual thing depending on life and such.

For instance, last year my favorite was Grown Up Christmas List

No more lives torn apart
And wars would never start
And time would heal a heart...

Everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end ...

All well and good and "spirit of the season" and all.

This year however I've got something completely differnet on my favorite list. It's from Jimmy Buffett. If you don't know who Jimmy Buffet is, this song is reflective of the style of Jerry Lee Lewis.

If you don't know who either of those guys are then you are entirely too young to be reading this blog.

Ho, Ho, Ho, and a Bottle of Rhum
Jimmy Buffett, Roger Guth, Pete Mayer & Russ Kunkel

Santa's stressed out as the holiday season draws near
He's been doing the same job now going on two thousand years
He's got pains in his brain and chimney scars cover his buns
He hates to admit it, but Christmas is more work than fun

I can relate to that...
He needs a vacation from bad decorations and snow
Mr. Claus has a escape plans, a secret that only he knows
Beaches and palm trees appear night and day in his dreams
A break from his wife, half-frozen in life
The elves and that damn reindeer team

Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum
Santa's run off to the Caribbean
He thinks about boat drinks and fun in the sun
Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rhum

Plastic creations and crass exploitations aren't good
He wants to go back to simple toys made out of wood
Just for the weekend he'd like to be Peter Pan
Get out of his long johns and dance with a sword
dance with a sword in the sand

Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rhum
Snata's off to the Caribbean
Marimbas, calimbas, he's playing steel drums
Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rhum

Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rhum
Santa's off to the Caribbean
A week in the tropics and he'll be alright
Sporting a tan as he rides out of sight

Merry Christmas to all and to all good night

I'm thinking for me maybe a month in the tropics would be good.

Finally for you lot (that would be whoever reads this ...

A Merry Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear.

-- John Lennon and Yoko Ono

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