Sunday, November 26, 2006

have it your way at worship

For those that don't know -- from the liturgical point of view, the church calendar "begins" with the first Sunday of advent, and "ends" the week before Advent, in some churches (Roman Catholic, some Methodist churches, and some others, this is Christ the King Sunday). That would be today.

There is a Contemporary Worship service at my church. It is rather "new", and runs on a little tighter budget, it also has a shorter history of decor to run with. It's also recently taken on a new location and let's just say things run on a shoestring.

I mean *REALLY* on a shoestring.

So today I'm sitting in worship and I'm looking at the Altar. There's a cross, some very artistically draped fabric, and a crown hanging off one side of the arm.

And I'm looking at it thinking "hmmmm what is is about this picture"

So, later I was talking to one of the ministers.

So, ummmm, who decorated the altar for Contemporary Worship today?

I did.

And, can I ask was that actually a Burger King crown on the cross?

Yes, it was.

I'm thinking I need to talk to someone about the budget.

FIRST -- using decor from kid's meals???

And SECOND, I'm thinking the Pastors need to get paid a little more so they can buy ADULT meals and not have to survive on kid's meals :^).

(just kidding -- I think Pastor J can afford real food, and I'm sure that there would have been resources for something else -- it actually looked really good, and if you don't live with a 6 or under you probably wouldn't have realized it).

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