Monday, November 13, 2006

boring day

What a boring day ...

Got up early, took a train into the city. Spent the train ride reading Crem's paper over his (quite comfy) shoulder. Got off the train and took a ride on a rickety old CTA bus. Wandered around a very large complex of buildings on the UIC (University of Illinois Chicago) campus and spent almost too much time sitting in a very uncomfortable chair. After spending time sitting in a uncomfortable chair, I went, got 1/2 undressed, and sat in a small room.
Then, I rode an L train, had lunch in a Greek deli (with Crem) wandered about the city a bit more, and then rode another train out.
All in all it was quite expensive - $8.50 for the round trip train ticket, $4.00 for bus/L, about $10 for lunch, and $3 for coffee and $25 for the copay.
But -- as the MasterCard commercial would say -- peace of mind PRICELESS!!! I've been carrying around this stress since Sept. when I talked to my Midwife - it's nice for it to be lifted. My shoulders feel about 1/2 as tense.
(And it's nice to know that one part of my body is normal :} )
(Though I think the next time I get a hankering to have a lunch date with Crem -- I'm going to plan for it to involve a LOT less travel, no copays, and no uncomfortable chairs.)


Alto2 said...

I am so glad the day was boring, the films were normal, and you had a nice lunch with a friend. Next time? Drive in to the city. Less hassle.

Sock Girl said...

I'm so glad the news gave you peace of mind.

TDR said...

I'm so happy that you had such a lovely boring day. :-) Keep up the boring!


Mary said...

Thanks -- is was nice to have boring news. alto2 I thought about driving (I do every time I go into the city) but most often I feel it's less hassle to let someone else drive. For instance, next month I'm teaching a session in my adult Sunday School class, so I did some prep work. Also, I was concerned that I might not get boring news - and then I'd have to drive home under duress. (Of course, Crem *would* have driven me home if necessary - but best not to make it be necessary)

MLL said...

I'm glad it was boring! I'm surprised my work internet connection let such a pornographic picture come through :-)

Mary said...

MLL, I'm so sorry that your employer was not able to protect you from my risque photographs.