Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I forget ......

I wish I knew how to embed music -- I'd insert "Baby Elephant Walk" here. Last night I had a dream that I got a pet elephant and his (or her) entire family. I think I had 7 elephants. I think there were three other young elephants and three adult elephants, and I was walking around with them.

I remember waking up from the dream thinking MAN I must be bloody wealthy to afford the upkeep on those babies

So this morning (realizing that I'm not Freud and looking things up by one word on the Internet is not going to solve all my life's problems I look up elephant in a few dream dictionaries.

This interpretation states:
To see an elephant in your dream, suggests that you either need to be more patient and understanding of others.

I'm sure there's a few people who'd agree that I need to be more patient and understanding. Funny thing though -- it seems like that's 1/2 a sentence it should read suggests that you either need to be more patient or understanding of others or it could state suggests that you either need to be more patient and understanding of others and/or. I'm so impatient of incomplete sentences. I simply don't understand it at all.

This same definition goes on to say that:
The elephant is also a symbol of power, strength, and intellect.

Hmmmm, and I powerful, strong, and intellectual? Most days I don't so much think so.

Now, I am so liking this interpretation: ...
elephant - As a gift: Sense of abundance or prosperity coming. Baby: Good luck or fortune.

Did I mention they were gifts? And there were 7 elephants? And 3 of them were babies?? 7 times the abundance or prosperity and 3 times the good luck or fortune.

This dream dictionary and this dream dictionary both say the exact same thing:
Elephant Dreams
Elephants in dreams may represent knowledge, power, and strength. They are also associated with long memory and "thick skin." However, depending on the dream’s details, the elephant may be a symbol of a large burden. Additionally, in the dream you may be making efforts to remember something important and of great magnitude.

Now what was I thinking????? I forget.

1 comment:

BunnyBubblette said...

Well, that's interesting! I had a pet elephant dream not too long ago. I wrote about it in my blog on April 28. I only had ONE pet elephant. But I think the dream also involved all of my dogs. I only have one dog now, but I've had half a dozen dogs in my lifetime, and ALL of those dogs were running around in my dream, trying to herd my pet elephant.