Tuesday, March 06, 2007

And when I'm dead and gone

I find this interesting. I looked at the quiz a couple of times. One of the items I was unsure about was whether or not I was interesting in skydiving. If I say I am NOT interested in skydiving ....

You'll die from a Heart Attack during Sex.

Your a lover not a fighter but sadly, in the act of making love your heart will stop. But what a way to go.

'How will you die?' at QuizGalaxy.com

HOWEVER -- if I say I *AM* interesting in skydiving ..

You'll die from an Unlikely Illness (like the plague).

You will unfortunately succumb to a random and unlikely disease. Only to find out after death that eating more broccoli would have cured you.

'How will you die?' at QuizGalaxy.com

So I guess if I never get around to going skydiving, I'll die from a heart attack during sex, and if I *DO* go skydiving I'll die from an unlikely illness (I suppose one I contract during my skydiving career - maybe the skydiving instructor has some deadly, highly contagious, rare illness).

And when I die, and when I'm gone, there'll be one child born in our world to carry on to carry on...

1 comment:

BunnyBubblette said...

Hmmmm .... that's interesting. I have NO interest in skydiving, and I'm going to die from an unlikely illness.