Friday, March 30, 2007

The evil Jewish guys are at it again.

Today I'm grateful for,

Those guys. They are EVIL I tell you, EVIL. So today I'm trying to figure out what to do for lunch. This week is spring break, so my kids aren't going off to school. I'm not getting up as early as I do when they have school, and I haven't made the time had the time to make myself lunch. Around the corner (okay like 1/2 a mile away) is
this Jewish deli that I've been known to frequent.

EVERY day they have Chicken Soup -- you could have it with Matzo ball, Noodles, or Kreplach (Jewish Wontons). Honestly, I can't speak for the Noodles or the Kreplach because I've NEVER gotten past the Matzo.

Every weekday they also have a special soup. Many times I've gone in and had their special soup and I've never run into one that I didn't like. I've had a few that I didn't try because they just didn't sound appealing to me. For instance yesterday was a vegetarian spring vegetable. I'm sure it was tasty but it just sounded too healthy for my tastes.

So, today as I'm debating whether to drive home and make a lunch and bring it back, or go out somewhere I check the soup schedule.

Wisconsin Beer Cheese Soup

EVIL I tell you. Evil incarnate.

I better run before the lunch rush.

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