Friday, January 12, 2007

Life's lessons

We all have a concept of what "school" is -- it's where we go and learn and get educated. Well, education comes from many sources other than school. Sometimes I like to use quotes, I have a couple of links on my google home page, and I'll find some of the most obscure things. (Hmmm maybe I can start adding quote lines to my blog -- I hope my dear readers wouldn't get mad if the quote did not necessarily go with the entry.

Once in a while though - I can come up with a zinger myself.

This week's (month's? year's? geez I hope it doesn't take that long for me to say something pithy) winner
The school of hard knocks has a very high tuition.
-- Mary Allison Wu

Also found, when looking to see if I had manage to use a quote that I remembered from somewhere (instead of having an original idea)

The school of hard knocks is an accelerated curriculum.
Menander (342 BC - 292 BC)

Guess the esteemed institution of the "school of hard knocks" has been around for a LONG time.

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